Sunday, August 7, 2011

In which I am visited by three grasshoppers

I recently read that green grasshoppers are considered symbols for good luck and new beginnings. Green grasshoppers are actually just young grasshoppers, thus the new beginning symbolism. In addition, grasshoppers can only jump forwards and not sideways; the apparent meaning behind this particular factoid is supposed to be that I am about to bound forward in my life, or I should start thinking about bounding forward, or I am about to get evicted and will face no alternative but to bound forward.

I know all of this because I had the pleasure of being visited by three of the little creatures over the past few weeks and took to looking it up. It was either a message from the universe about my future or a sign that I was facing a rather serious bug infestation. Choosing the former, I turned to the ever-trustworthy internet to foretell the meaning of my little green messengers.

The symbolism of the “new beginning” grasshopper struck home pretty quickly as I am living in a sublet apartment without any furniture and working a temporary job. So thank you for stating the obvious universe. If I wanted a late evening “you should think about getting a job at some point soon” I would have called my parents.

On the other hand, the grasshopper is also a symbol for moving forward, getting the incentive to leap into the future and let go of the past. My hesitation in embracing that meaning is that in my experience, grasshoppers often jump in the way of lawnmowers or cats, in which case: thank you, but no thank you universe.

So I created a list of potential messages I can derive from my omen. Until I get clearer guidance from the universe on what exactly is expected of me I will have to act on all of them. They are as follows:

1. I am about to receive an offer leading to a great opportunity
2. I should work harder to create a great opportunity for myself
3. I should be ready to accept an opportunity that is already waiting for me
4. I need to let go of the past so I can more fully embrace the world of opportunities in front of me
5. Stay out of the way of cats and lawnmowers

1 comment:

  1. I think this is beautiful. Envision yourself bathed in golden light, accomplishing your goals. Also important, you need to be kind to yourself and understanding of yourself in this awful economy--I love the idea of pushing yourself forward mentally, but we also have to realize that some things are outside our control.
